Monday, March 28, 2011

The wonders of modern chemistry... yeah, right!

Well, I made the mistake of running on Saturday. I was feeling pretty good and I thought I was up for a run, so I did my regular distance in an effort to try and make up for some of the workouts I had missed from earlier in the week while being sick. I ended up getting my full mileage in for the week, although I was still a couple days short of my normal six days of working out. Then, after that, my DH and I met my brother and his family along with my parents and we went out for dinner. I was glad to be feeling better and so proud of myself for getting back on track... or so I thought.

What I failed to take into consideration is that I had taken two Aleve earlier in the day... and since they are slated for 12 hours of relief, I completely forgot that these little guys were coursing through my system making me feel better under false pretense. Oops.

I woke up yesterday morning feeling absolutely lousy again. Obviously I had overreached myself on Saturday. Instead of easing back in, I came out with both barrels blazing and paid the price for it the next day... my sore throat and head congestion were back with a vengeance! I ended up spending the entire day on the couch yesterday and my DH was sweet enough to run out for groceries in the afternoon... an errand I had fully intended to do myself yesterday... or at least had planned on it back when the glow of Aleve was still coursing through me the day before! I just sat on the couch and nursed my throat, nose and fatigue while mentally kicking myself for my stupidity of the day before.

Well, here it is, Monday and I'm feeling pretty good (again) after yesterday's day of necessary slothfulness. Fortunately, today I am NOT lulled into a false sense of well being with medication, so I'm thinking this means I might really be on the mend this time. (I hope!) I did run today when all was said and done, but I did just a bit more walking than usual and I didn't do my long run, even though this is usually long run day. Since I knew going in this morning that I'm not under the influence of Aleve today, I'm hoping that I don't have a relapse again tomorrow like yesterday's and that today's feeling of recovery means I truly am getting over this bug. But I guess only time will tell!!!

Today's Run
6.3 Miles
75 Minutes
5.0 mph

1 comment:

thewwchick said...

You have GOT to rest! Got to. Have to. Must.